Youth &
Young Adult Ministry
At GILEAD, our youth are committed to God and are continuing to grow in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Our youth and young adults learn how to rightfully divide the word of truth and apply it to their lives. At GILEAD, our youth are trained to preach (across the podium) the Word of God at a young age! Come and join us every fourth and fifth Sunday of the month for our Youth Service! When you come bring another child, youth, or young adult with you!
On Youth Sunday, it is a wonderful day to celebrate God for giving our youth the desire to use their gifts, talents, and abilities, to give God the glory. At Gilead, we understand that God has gifted everyone (including the youth and young adults) with abilities to worship God and insomuch, our Apostle allows the youth to represent and worship God through and with their God-given abilities.