Apostle Susan Lowery would like to thank you all for the prayers of comfort in this difficult time for the church and her family.
"Minister Prophet Ossie Lowery Jr. was a giant in the Apostolic, Prophetic and Deliverance ministries. He was the best brother in the world to me I could always depend on him to do whatever I needed to be done in the kingdom of God and for me personally, and for his other sister. We could talk about anything and everything. Our family is very close and he was a wonderful son to his parents. We are rejoicing because he mentored, ministered, and pured out to many people for over 16 years with his beautiful and anointed wife, Evangelist Belinda Lowery. They both would at times accompany me in travels to minister the gospel and evangelize in manay states. I am rejoicing that he has graduated and transitioned into glory. We will miss Minister Prophet Ossie Lowery Jr."
- Apostle Susan Lowery, D.Min, Founder Gilead PWC