Gilead PWC Founder
Apostle Susan Lowery, D.D., D.Min

Praying and Setting the Captives Free
Apostle Susan Lowery is an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ; or one who is sent. She is an ordained Apostle, Minister, Prophetess, Evangelist, and Teacher. She is a native of Philadelphia, PA. She is a very loving and caring person; sensitive to the spirit of God. She is a fervent intercessor servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.
She began her Christian walk at an early and has been dedicated and fully committed to the Ministry of the Lord for over twenty five years.
Apostle Susan Lowery was a member of Deliverance Evangelistic Church under the leadership of the late Pastor Benjamin Smith. She would later graduate from Deliverance Bible Institute and the American Society Bible College. As a member of Institutional Church of Christ, under Bishop Caitlin Williams, she served in the ministry as a Sunday School teacher, Intercessory Prayer, and an Evangelist and began to grow in the prophetic gifts.
God later sent her to becoming a member of Praise & Glory Tabernacle Family Worship Center, under the leadership of Dr. Philip Whiteside. While there she was the head of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry and taught people on prayer. She also was a former praise and worship leader and sang on the choir.
She attended the Jameson Theology School and received her Doctorate degree. She has since also received another Doctorate degree of Divinity, from The Greater Hope Christian College, Florence, SC (2004).
Apostle Susan Lowery is presently the Apostle, Senior Pastor, and Founder of Gilead Praise and Worship Center Inc. (formerly Rainbow Covenant Family Worship Center). She resides under the mantel of Apostle John Harris. Apostle Lowery flows in the office of an Apostle, Prophetess, Evangelists, Teacher, Intercessor and Deliverance Minister.
Apostle Susan Lowery has birthed five of her own ministries from God:
1. Living Waters for Wounded Women: St. John 4:11-14,
(Healing, Deliverance and Salvation for all people)
2. Effective Kingdom Warriors Ministry: James 5:16,
(Intercessory Prayer)
3. Rightly Dividing the World Ministry: II Timothy 2:15,
(Bible Study)
4. Cover Me Ministries
5. Gilead Praise & Worship Center INC. (Formally Rainbow Covenant Family Worship Center)
Apostle Susan Lowery ministers to the elderly once a month, faithfully at the Kingsessing Presbyterian Nursing Home. She has traveled through out the United States evangelizing, preaching, and teaching the Word of God in workshops, seminars and conferences; setting the captives free. Currently she is writing a book on Apostolic, Prophetic, and Intercessory Prayer.
Apostle Susan Lowery is Appointed and Anointed for such a time as this!